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Action Figures

& Collectables Age 17+

Collectors Group


0730 061 110


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Marvel Comics PrototypeZ Statue 1/6 Wolverine by Erick Sosa 35 cm

Marvel Comics PrototypeZ Statue 1/6 Wolverine by Erick Sosa 35 cm
  • Marvel Comics PrototypeZ Statue 1/6 Wolverine by Erick Sosa 35 cm
  • Marvel Comics PrototypeZ Statue 1/6 Wolverine by Erick Sosa 35 cm
  • Marvel Comics PrototypeZ Statue 1/6 Wolverine by Erick Sosa 35 cm
  • Marvel Comics PrototypeZ Statue 1/6 Wolverine by Erick Sosa 35 cm
  • Marvel Comics PrototypeZ Statue 1/6 Wolverine by Erick Sosa 35 cm
  • Marvel Comics PrototypeZ Statue 1/6 Wolverine by Erick Sosa 35 cm
  • Marvel Comics PrototypeZ Statue 1/6 Wolverine by Erick Sosa 35 cm
  • Marvel Comics PrototypeZ Statue 1/6 Wolverine by Erick Sosa 35 cm
  • Marvel Comics PrototypeZ Statue 1/6 Wolverine by Erick Sosa 35 cm
  • Marvel Comics PrototypeZ Statue 1/6 Wolverine by Erick Sosa 35 cm
  • Marvel Comics PrototypeZ Statue 1/6 Wolverine by Erick Sosa 35 cm
  • Marvel Comics PrototypeZ Statue 1/6 Wolverine by Erick Sosa 35 cm
  • Marvel Comics PrototypeZ Statue 1/6 Wolverine by Erick Sosa 35 cm
  • Marvel Comics PrototypeZ Statue 1/6 Wolverine by Erick Sosa 35 cm
  • Marvel Comics PrototypeZ Statue 1/6 Wolverine by Erick Sosa 35 cm
  • Marvel Comics PrototypeZ Statue 1/6 Wolverine by Erick Sosa 35 cm
  • Marvel Comics PrototypeZ Statue 1/6 Wolverine by Erick Sosa 35 cm

1700 Lei

(TVA inclus)

Curier (15-20 LEI)



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Data aparitiei: 20.06.2025
Dimensiuni: 35 cm
Varsta: 17+
Tip produs: Statuete
Producator: Semic
Referinta: 5871


The iconic mutant is in heart of every fan and collector alike, and Semic PrototypeZ is proud to present this classic rendition of Wolverine sculpted and designed by legendary artist Erick Sosa. Second piece in our Marvel Sixth Scale Collection this polystone statue stands 35 cm tall with Wolverine rising on top of a torn Sentinel face. Under his classic yellow and black mask you can feel our hero's sheer ruthlessness. The gold and blue costume of Marvel's mutants most glorious era shines on the shoulders of our Canadian berseker, complete with the X-Men insignia belt buckle and weathering from past battles. Chock-full of determination and Adamantium, Wolverine has unsheathed his metal claws ready to get back in his endless cycle of fighting. Clad in his textured costume his impressive musculature is highly rendered in details: sinews, veins hair exquisitely painted. Semic PrototypeZ Wolverine 1/6th Collectible Statue includes three alternate heads: an unmasked portrait revealing Logan's resolute face and unique hairstyle, and two masked portrait depicting his savage ferocity and stern dauntlessness. So, Bub, you know what's expected of you next. Product Size: 35 x 25 x 21 cm Limited to 900 pieces.

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