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Action Figures

& Collectables Age 17+

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0730 061 110


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Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Action Figure 1/6 General Chang 30 cm

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Action Figure 1/6 General Chang 30 cm
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Action Figure 1/6 General Chang 30 cm
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Action Figure 1/6 General Chang 30 cm
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Action Figure 1/6 General Chang 30 cm
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Action Figure 1/6 General Chang 30 cm
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Action Figure 1/6 General Chang 30 cm
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Action Figure 1/6 General Chang 30 cm
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Action Figure 1/6 General Chang 30 cm
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Action Figure 1/6 General Chang 30 cm
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Action Figure 1/6 General Chang 30 cm
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Action Figure 1/6 General Chang 30 cm

2500 Lei

(TVA inclus)

Curier (15-20 LEI)



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Adauga in cos (30% avans) Sunt interesat
Data aparitiei: 25.09.2025
Dimensiuni: 30 cm
Varsta: 12+
Tip produs: Figurine articulate 1/6 (30 cm)
Producator: EXO-6
Referinta: 41998


For the first time ever, Exo-6 brings you the iconic Klingon General Chang, as portrayed by the legendary Christopher Plummer, in a stunning sixth scale figure that will transport you back to the final frontier. This is not just a figure; it's a piece of Star Trek history, meticulously crafted to stimulate your memories and ignite your inner Trekker.In Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, General Chang was the ruthless and poetic antagonist who sought to maintain the hostility between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. With a warrior's flair and a penchant for quoting Shakespeare mid-battle, Chang was a formidable foe for Captain Kirk and the crew of the USS Enterprise.Christopher Plummer decided he wasn't comfortable with the typical Klingon make-up and requested to be bald and more human looking, creating a unique look for a Klingon not seen in Star Trek before. Our artists have captured the essence of Christopher Plummer's performance with a lifelike hand-painted head sculpt that captures the intensity and menace of General Chang's character. The wrinkles, the piercing eyes, and the trademark eye patch are all rendered with the utmost precision.General Chang's elaborate Klingon attire has been recreated in one sixth scale, down to the final stitch. Every element has been crafted to match as closely as possible to the original costume. Due to scale and production cost, some aspects proved too difficult to reproduce exactly. The tunic has been adjusted to mimic the multiple layers of the original, using a black leather-like material and intricate stitching to substitute for the black and grey layered look of the original.The baldric Chang wears is unique to him and is intricately sculpted. He comes with six different hands all individually crafted to match his fingerless Klingon gloves. Although the General never wears a sidearm in the film, we like to think he would carry a more vintage version of the Klingon disruptor and have included one with the figure.One of the key aspects of this collectible is its ability to trigger nostalgic memories of that pivotal film. This figure is designed to evoke the visceral experience of watching "The Undiscovered Country." It's not just about owning a figure; it's about reliving the grandeur and drama of one of Star Trek's most memorable villains.

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