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Hexa Gear Plastic Model Kit 1/24 Definition Armor Blazeboar 13 cm

Hexa Gear Plastic Model Kit 1/24 Definition Armor Blazeboar 13 cm
  • Hexa Gear Plastic Model Kit 1/24 Definition Armor Blazeboar 13 cm
  • Hexa Gear Plastic Model Kit 1/24 Definition Armor Blazeboar 13 cm
  • Hexa Gear Plastic Model Kit 1/24 Definition Armor Blazeboar 13 cm
  • Hexa Gear Plastic Model Kit 1/24 Definition Armor Blazeboar 13 cm
  • Hexa Gear Plastic Model Kit 1/24 Definition Armor Blazeboar 13 cm
  • Hexa Gear Plastic Model Kit 1/24 Definition Armor Blazeboar 13 cm
  • Hexa Gear Plastic Model Kit 1/24 Definition Armor Blazeboar 13 cm
  • Hexa Gear Plastic Model Kit 1/24 Definition Armor Blazeboar 13 cm
  • Hexa Gear Plastic Model Kit 1/24 Definition Armor Blazeboar 13 cm
  • Hexa Gear Plastic Model Kit 1/24 Definition Armor Blazeboar 13 cm
  • Hexa Gear Plastic Model Kit 1/24 Definition Armor Blazeboar 13 cm
  • Hexa Gear Plastic Model Kit 1/24 Definition Armor Blazeboar 13 cm
  • Hexa Gear Plastic Model Kit 1/24 Definition Armor Blazeboar 13 cm
  • Hexa Gear Plastic Model Kit 1/24 Definition Armor Blazeboar 13 cm
  • Hexa Gear Plastic Model Kit 1/24 Definition Armor Blazeboar 13 cm
  • Hexa Gear Plastic Model Kit 1/24 Definition Armor Blazeboar 13 cm

340 Lei

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Data aparitiei: 12.06.2025
Dimensiuni: 13 cm
Varsta: 14+
Tip produs: Model kits
Producator: Kotobukiya
Referinta: 41739


"The Definition Armor was a lightweight, highly mobile exoskeleton for infantry that was created to wreak havoc on the battlefield. The concept was based on two previously successful HEXA GEAR, with tweaks made to their designs-the first being a downsized version of the bipedal humanoid heavy HEXA GEAR, BULKARM a, and the second being the renowned SCARECROW with elements simplified to allow the rider to wear the armor instead of riding it. However, an early prototype that was tested on a real battlefield lacked balance due to the overuse of various elements. The armor thus became infamous as a ""cutting-edge walking coffin."" However, the armor did excel at one aspect: its ability to be mass-manufactured. Thus, to achieve practical application, various alterations and refinements to the design were considered. The only plans that eventually made it to production were the WOODPECKER, a unit that lent itself to the armor's lightweight and high-speed capabilities, and this BLAZEBOAR, which realized a downsized version of BULKARM as the design had originally intended. The core components of BLAZEBOAR are largely the same as those of the WOODPECKER developed around the same time. However, BLAZEBOAR utilizes sensors in the center of the upper torso to provide a wider field of view to the left and right to compensate for its reduced maneuverability. The large legs serve as armor that protects the lower body of the Governor and the arms, which are equipped with heavy weapons, act as side armor. The thruster is designed to be smaller and less powerful than the WOODPECKER to reduce the weight of the unit and allow it to deploy alongside walking infantry units. In addition to the master-slave system, control of the armor is assisted by the G2AI, an AI system that uses data from the BMI installed in the Governor's standard issue WARMAGE to ensure the stable control of both the unit and its armaments. At its core, the BLAZEBOAR is a pragmatic redesign of what the DEFINITION ARMOR originally strove to be. Able to provide heavy weaponry to units in narrow terrain such as ravines and cities that are impassable by heavier units, and be deployed to the front lines to provide infantry with cover during mopping-up operations, these smaller HEXA GEAR continue to prove their usefulness in real-world operations alongside infantry units. Model Specifications: - This is a variation model kit of AERIAL FIGHTER WOODPECKER that includes multiple newly designed parts. Utilize the hexagonal holes and 3mm joints included on each part to exchange parts and expand this model. *This kit does NOT include parts to build a full AERIAL FIGHTER WOODPECKER model. - This model kit includes a newly sculpted head, arms, legs, weapons, and back booster parts. Users can select between "Standard Mode" and "Commander Mode" through interchanging the head parts. The shoulders, elbows, and wrists in the arms can be moved. Weapons can also be attached directly to the wrists. The hip joints, knees, ankles, and toes in the legs can be moved. These parts can be moved in the same angles as the mounted Governor. - The cockpit can be opened and closed to set a GOVERNOR WARMAGE HETZER (Special Head Ver.) inside. The sensor inside of the cockpit can also be opened and closed, enabling the Governor inside to peak outside of the cockpit. - The main weapon "Binary Howl" can be broken down and equipped separately on each hand and the back. - This model can be attached to various Flying Bases (sold separately) to enjoy countless action poses. - The color of the Blazeboar base model uses the same dark green coloration as the previously released BULKARM a JUNGLE TYPE and gunmetal coloration as the HEXA GEAR series. Included Items: - BLAZEBOAR Model ×1 Set - GOVERNOR WARMAGE HETZER (Special Head Ver.) - 3 Types of Wrist Parts for GOVERNOR WARMAGE HETZER × Left and Right Each - 2 x Control Unit - Binary Howl - Wall Krieg - 1 x PVC HEXA G-R.A.M-1 x Archive Card

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