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Action Figures

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0730 061 110


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Lord of the Rings Mini Statue The Witch-king 19 cm

Lord of the Rings Mini Statue The Witch-king 19 cm
  • Lord of the Rings Mini Statue The Witch-king 19 cm
  • Lord of the Rings Mini Statue The Witch-king 19 cm
  • Lord of the Rings Mini Statue The Witch-king 19 cm
  • Lord of the Rings Mini Statue The Witch-king 19 cm
  • Lord of the Rings Mini Statue The Witch-king 19 cm
  • Lord of the Rings Mini Statue The Witch-king 19 cm
  • Lord of the Rings Mini Statue The Witch-king 19 cm
  • Lord of the Rings Mini Statue The Witch-king 19 cm
  • Lord of the Rings Mini Statue The Witch-king 19 cm
  • Lord of the Rings Mini Statue The Witch-king 19 cm

750 Lei

(TVA inclus)

Curier (15-20 LEI)



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Adauga in cos (30% avans) Sunt interesat
Data aparitiei: 25.11.2025
Dimensiuni: 19 cm
Varsta: 14+
Tip produs: Statuete
Producator: Weta Workshop
Referinta: 43285


Upon the blood-soaked Pelennor Fields™, the Witch-king strode, a shadow of death reaping lives with blade and flail. Neither the fall of his fell steed nor the desperate struggles of men could halt his grim purpose. Towering above the insignificant warrior, his unseen gaze cast down upon his prey, despair was all that could remain.Step into the world of Middle-earth with our latest Miniature Statue: The Witch-king. Every sinister detail of his terrifying form has been meticulously crafted, from the jagged edges of his iron crown to the intricate links of his spiked flail, captured mid-swing.Inspired by the iconic scene from the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, where the imposing figure of the Witch-king, having lost his mount, bears down upon the disguised Éowyn™-our artists have poured their passion into recreating this menacing moment. Every texture within his dark robes and minute detail of his weaponry is a testament to their artistry and love for Middle-earth.This piece is a must-have-a chance to own a tangible fragment of one of the most iconic scenes in cinematic history. Don't let the Witch-King's wrath slip into shadow. Add this masterpiece to your collection and let it stand as a dark reminder of the Witch-king's wrath."- Made primarily from polystone;- Depicts The Witch-king in a dynamic mid-battle pose as seen in The Return of the King;- Digitally sculpted by Middle-earth veteran Gary Hunt.Product size: 12 cm x 19,5 cm x 15 cm

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