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Action Figures

& Collectables Age 17+

Collectors Group


0730 061 110


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Persona 5 PVC Statue Joker (Collector's Edition) 30 cm

Persona 5 PVC Statue Joker (Collector's Edition) 30 cm
  • Persona 5 PVC Statue Joker (Collector's Edition) 30 cm
  • Persona 5 PVC Statue Joker (Collector's Edition) 30 cm
  • Persona 5 PVC Statue Joker (Collector's Edition) 30 cm
  • Persona 5 PVC Statue Joker (Collector's Edition) 30 cm
  • Persona 5 PVC Statue Joker (Collector's Edition) 30 cm
  • Persona 5 PVC Statue Joker (Collector's Edition) 30 cm
  • Persona 5 PVC Statue Joker (Collector's Edition) 30 cm
  • Persona 5 PVC Statue Joker (Collector's Edition) 30 cm
  • Persona 5 PVC Statue Joker (Collector's Edition) 30 cm

500 Lei

(TVA inclus)

Curier (15-20 LEI)



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Data aparitiei: 26.03.2025
Dimensiuni: 30 cm
Varsta: 14+
Tip produs: Statuete
Producator: First 4 Figures
Referinta: 34766


First 4 Figures proudly presents the high-quality PVC statue of Joker from Persona 5. Joker is the protagonist and leader of the Phantom Thieves in Persona 5. He lives as a normal student in the day as a tenant of a café owned by a family friend. After school, he dons the mask of a Phantom Thief, stealing the hearts of corrupt adults! Joker excels in combat and strategy, summoning formidable Personas, and proficiently using a dagger and gun.Every facet of Joker's attire has been meticulously recreated to capture his stylish in-game appearance, including his iconic mask, striking red gloves, and the sleek black ensemble that drapes his form. The statue depicts Joker in a dynamic pose, brandishing a dagger in his right hand while his black tailcoat billows with effortless style. The elements adorning the PVC base, featuring stars and stripes, evoke the game's exceptionally stylish user interface. The Collector's Edition comes with interchangeable hands, offering the choice between a right hand with a gun and a left hand with the renowned calling card the Phantom Thieves leave behind after finding their target's Treasure. Persona 5 - Joker PVC (Collector's Edition) comes with the following:- Persona 5 - Joker PVC painted statue- Highly detailed base inspired by the game's stylish user interface- Extra interchangeable right hand with a gun- Extra interchangeable left hand with a calling card- F4F Leaflet with 500 F4F reward points included

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