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Action Figures

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0730 061 110


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Robocop Art Scale Statue 1/10 Robocop 24 cm

Robocop Art Scale Statue 1/10 Robocop 24 cm
  • Robocop Art Scale Statue 1/10 Robocop 24 cm
  • Robocop Art Scale Statue 1/10 Robocop 24 cm
  • Robocop Art Scale Statue 1/10 Robocop 24 cm
  • Robocop Art Scale Statue 1/10 Robocop 24 cm
  • Robocop Art Scale Statue 1/10 Robocop 24 cm
  • Robocop Art Scale Statue 1/10 Robocop 24 cm
  • Robocop Art Scale Statue 1/10 Robocop 24 cm
  • Robocop Art Scale Statue 1/10 Robocop 24 cm

1100 Lei

(TVA inclus)

Curier (15-20 LEI)



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Adauga in cos (30% avans) Sunt interesat
Data aparitiei: 20.06.2025
Dimensiuni: 24 cm
Varsta: 14+
Tip produs: Statuete
Producator: Iron Studios
Referinta: 32512


Just like a medieval knight in shining armor, the powerful and majestic figure of a cyborg cop wielding his powerful selected-fire machine pistol in his right handis ready to relentlessly enforce the law, in a chaotic future in a large metropolis. With his right leg standing on a step with futuristic design and his left arm straight next to his body with a clenched fist, he readies himself with possible threats already marked as targets by his Aiming Interface; his command orders, respect to the law, and the protection of innocent people guide his actions. One of the most awaited releases, presented firsthand on the Fist Seen in the spoiler night at San Diego Comic-Con 2023, Iron Studios bring the statue "Robocop - Robocop - Art Scale 1/10", with the classic and original police officer from the future from the big screen.Iron Studios also bring the statue "Robocop Deluxe - Robocop - Art Scale 1/10", portraying the police officer leaving his Ford Taurus police car with futuristic design, in a diorama set that refers to one of the main and most memorable official posters from the movie, that also strikes as one of the most emblematic appearances of the character. In a dystopian future, crime and violence are out of control in the old Detroit, the city is financially ruined, the government privatized the police force by hiring the megacorporation OCP (Omni Consumer Products), that has plans to replace Detroit by a new city called Delta City, more modern and efficient, kept and sustained by the OCP and their subdivisions. OCP introduces the Enforcement Droid ED-209 designed to supplant the police, but due to a flaw it ends up killing an executive, giving the ambitious Bob Morton the chance to present a project called RoboCop. When the police officer Alex Murphy is ambushed by a gang, tortured and declared dead, his body is transformed into a powerful and heavily armored cyborg named RoboCop, without the memories of his past life. Acclaimed by media due to his brutally efficient campaign against crime, RoboCop is recognized as Murphy by his former partner, and, when he arrests a member of the gang that killed him, his memories start returning, replacing his robotic programming, and bringing to surface Murphy's remaining human side, which leads him into an investigation to find out an elaborate conspiracy of the OCP to create Delta City, involving even his assassin's gang. Presented in detail on the monthly show Inside Iron Studios Day of July on Iron Studios' YouTube channel, and already available for Pre-Order, a classic sci-fi, RoboCop, movie from 1987 directed by Paul Verhoeven, was a major box office hit at the time, starting a franchise that led the cyborg hero to get two more movies, a TV show, animated series, video games, comic books, and collectibles. Check it out in detail on the social media and more news to come on Iron Studios coverage of the SDCC 2023 and on the Inside Iron Studios Day. 11.09.2023

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