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Deadpool Deluxe Art Scale Statue 1/10 Deadpool & Wolverine 21 cm

Deadpool Deluxe Art Scale Statue 1/10 Deadpool & Wolverine 21 cm

1690 Lei

(TVA inclus)
Cod Produs IS95585 / 99377

Curier (15-20 LEI)



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Data aparitiei: 25.11.2024
Dimensiuni: -
Varsta: 15+
Tip produs: Statuete
Producator: Iron Studios


Deadpool and Wolverine meet on the big screen and in a new statue by Iron Studios!In a battlefield set, the notorious member of the X-Men mutant hero with skeleton and claws coated in the indestructible metal called Adamantium, in a gesture of apparent companionship and altruism, cordially and kindly carries the talkative mercenary and scourge of Chimichangas, apparently injured in combat. Walking on a rocky base, formed of stones and limestone sediments, and accompanied by the canine version of his ally from a different universe, he appears for the first time in live action with his classic yellow, blue, and black costume in a tactical version, carrying in his arms the unpredictable and somewhat insane crimson comedian. Inspired by one of the most anticipated movies of the year, Iron Studios proudly presents "Deadpool and Wolverine - Deadpool and Wolverine Movie - Deluxe Art Scale 1/10", directly from the Marvel multiverse, a spectacular statue approved by the "Pool" quality control.Wade Wilson had incurable cancer, so he underwent treatment as a guinea pig in The Workshop program, an illegal ultra-secret research organization that experiments on humans to activate any dormant X genes in their DNA and turn them into mutants. As a result, Wade gained a regenerative healing factor that neutralized his cancer but also left him with horrific burn-like scars all over his body. Wade assumed the new identity as the vigilante known as Deadpool, acting as a mercenary and an unpredictable anti-hero. Born in Canada in 1832, James Howlett is a mutant with retractable claws in his forearms, enhanced physical attributes, and a powerful healing factor that slows his aging. Thomas Logan, the foreman of John Howlett, was having an affair with his boss's wife, and a confrontation between them resulted in John's death. This event triggered James's mutation, and he used his claws to kill Thomas. Before dying, Logan revealed that he was James's biological father. Rejected by his mother, James fled and began using the name Logan. In modern times, seeking revenge against his half-brother, the mutant Sabretooth, Logan agreed to undergo an experimental procedure where his bones and claws were coated with Adamantium. He dies in the process, but he resurrects and escapes upon hearing the order to erase his memories. Adopting the codename Wolverine on his dog tags, Logan is shot in the head with an adamantium bullet by his former leader, Colonel William Stryker, damaging his brain and causing him to lose most of his memory. Years later, Logan is living in solitude in Canada, participating in cage fights to earn money. After helping the young mutant Rogue, he is attacked by Sabretooth in an ambush and saved by the X-Men Cyclops and Storm. Taken to the X-Mansion, he is convinced by Professor Charles Xavier to stay and became one of the most valuable members of the team.Confronted by the Temporal Variance Authority, Wade Wilson is taken from an apparently peaceful life for a mission. Wolverine is recovering when he crosses paths with Deadpool. Together, they form a team and face a common enemy. Once again portrayed by Ryan Reynolds, the third Deadpool move also marks the return of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine.Size: 21 x 16 x 14 cm

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